Tree Program
To place an order, please visit our online store: Online Store | Goodhue SWCD
Questions about orders contact Delane Krier 651-923-5286 Ext 102
Contact Beau Kennedy for questions about trees and the SWCD Tree Program.
The Goodhue County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) once a year makes available trees to landowners. We offer a wide variety of trees and shrubs in bundles of 25 per species.
We have roughly 25 species of trees, Conifers, Deciduous, and Shrubs to choose from. The tree program was started to promote conservation and help residents create a more beautiful, healthy and ecologically balanced environment. Many of the county’s farmstead and field windbreaks, wildlife habitat plantings, and reforestation efforts have been started as a result of this program. In more recent years, housing developments and community beautification projects have been added to the list of uses under the tree and shrub program.
We encourage all residents to utilize the Tree Program to start or add to their own beautification plans by purchasing stock from the SWCD. Whether you own a city lot and want to plant a privacy hedge line or own a couple of acres and wish to plant a windbreak or shelterbelt our trees will meet your needs.
Below is information about the trees we sell. Click on the name of the tree and it will take you to information about each tree.
Conifers - Coniferous trees keep their needles all year with the exception of tamarack. They are good trees to plant for privacy and wind breaks or shelterbelts.
Arborvitae: Eastern (White Cedar) Techny
Fir: Fraser
Pine: Norway (Red) White
Spruce: Black Hill Colorado Blue Norway White
Deciduous - Deciduous trees lose their leaves in fall or winter. They are good trees to plant on the south side of your home to provide shade in the summer and warmth in the winter when the sun can shine through. Deciduous trees are known for their beautiful leaf color when they drop their leaves each fall.
Cherry: Black
Maple: Red (Rubrum) Sugar
Oak: Bur Red (Northern) Swamp White White
Walnut: Black
Paper Birch: USDA Info Sheet Paper Birch Info
Hackberry: USDA Info Sheet Hackberry Info
Shrubs - Shrubs are multi-stemmed woody plants that rarely exceed 15 feet in height. Mixing shrubs with tree plantings adds visual diversity, wildlife cover, and food.
American Hazelnut American Plum (Prairie Red) Black Chokeberry (McKenzie) Highbush Cranberry
Lilac (Common Purple) Nannyberry Red-osier Dogwood