SE SWCD Technical Support JPB
Technical Service Area 7 (TSA7)
Providing Engineering and Technical Assistance to Southeast MN SWCD's
TSAs are a critical component of the conservation delivery system in Minnesota for conservation on private lands, with the associated benefits to water quality, wildlife habitat, agricultural productivity, and sustainability. TSA staff provide technical assistance to and through member SWCDs, in cooperation with the USDA NRCS, BWSR and other local, state, and federal government units.
The SE SWCD TSA is an entity created by the 11 SWCD's located in SE MN. It currently employs 4 staff (2 Professional Engineers and 2 Conservation Technician) who's workload is prioritized by the SWCD members. The majority of our projects relate to larger scaled conservation practices like large grade stabilization structures, stream projects and reducing feedlot runoff. This TSA also coordinates regional grants which implement Nutrient Management Planning and Soil Health practices. Funding for the regional Grazing Specialist is also administered through the TSA7. The Goodhue Co. SWCD serves as the Host and Fiscal Agent for this TSA.

SE SWCD Technical Support JPB Staff:
Kate Bruss
104 East 3rd Ave / PO Box 335
Goodhue, MN 55027
Phone: (651) 923-5286

Dean Thomas
SE MN Grazing Specialist/Soil Health Tech
21257 US Hwy 52
Preston, MN 55965
Phone: (507) 765-3878 Ext. 128
Cell: (507) 757-9893

Jason Rochester
Engineering Technician
805 North Hwy 44/76, Suite 1
Caledonia, MN 55921
Phone: (507) 724-5261 Ext. 3
Regular Scheduled Meetings are held every 6 months.
For details call the Goodhue office at 651-923-5286.
Regular Board Minutes
2024 July 18
2024 January 30