No Till Drill and Crimper Program
Coty Hyllengren: 651-923-5286 Ext. 117
Chris Friz: 651-923-5286 Ext. 120
2025 Prices:
JD No Till Drill - $150.00 First 5 Acres / or $16.00 Per Acre
Truax Drill - $150.00 First 5 Acres / $16.00 Per Each Additional Acre
Vicon Pendulum Seeder w/Kubota - $100 First 5 Acres / $20.00 Per Each Additional Acre
Finn Krimper - $50.00 Per Day
Waterway Seed Mix - $112.60/Ac.
*Prices vary if used outside Goodhue County

John Deere 1590 Drill
No-till drilling has evolved over the course of the last 50 years.
No-till planting provides very effective erosion control and moisture conservation measures, and this John Deere equipment helps farmers place the plant seeds directly into the soil through the residue of a previous crop - all without plowing or disking.
*Please contact Coty Hyllengren for additional questions or to rent the JD Drill.
651-923-5286 ext. 117 or chyllengren@goodhueswcd.org

Truax Drill
Traux Drills are designed to plant grasses and legumes on a variety of side conditions. Double disc furrow openers and depth bands optimize seed placement and seed to soil contract. Multiple seed boxes give you the flexibility to seed native fluffy seeds, cool season species, small grains, legumes and wildflowers.
*Please contact Chris Fritz for additional questions or to rent the Truax Drill.
651-923-5286 ext. 120 or cfritz@goodhueswcd.org

Vicon Pendulum Spreader w/ Kubota
Pendulum seeders are designed to broadcast native grasses and legumes at lower lb/ac rates than normal seeders. If you have small areas to be seeded with natives; this unit is right for you! Kubota and seeder will be operated by a qualified SWCD employee on site.
*Please contact Chris Fritz for additional questions
651-923-5286 ext. 120 or cfritz@goodhueswcd.org

Finn Krimper
Proper use of the Finn Krimper will provide protection for newly seeded areas on both slopes and flat surfaces. It's perfect for any application where straw or hay has been used for seed protection, soil stabilization, erosion control and straw mulch applications.
*Please contact Coty Hyllgren or Chris Fritz for additional questions or to rent the Finn Crimper