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Cover Crops
Goodhue SWCD currently offers cost-share dollars for landowners interested in implementing cover crops into their farming system.
Current Cost-Share Rates
"40 for 40" ($40/acre for up to 40 acres of cover crops) 1 year contracts available, but 3 Year contracts are preferred.
Informational Cover Crop Articles & Links
Integrating Cover Crops and Manure Yield and Nitrogen Effects
Two year study on cover crop establishment, yield and termination done by the U of M Extension.
Soil Organic Matter in Cropping Systems
Soil organic matter
maintains a healthy, productive soil by providing food and a home for microbes.
captures and filters water.
retains nutrients and makes them available for plant update.
provides the housing for the vast beneficial and diverse soil organisms.
Midwest Cover Crop Planning Tool
Cover Crop Decision Tools to assist farmers in selecting cover crops to include in field crop and vegetable rotations.
Rye Grass Following Silage Harvest
U of W Extension & U of W Madison article on the benefits of cover crop forage as well as nitrate improvements in the soil.
Herbicides and Cover Crops
U of M Extension article on managing risk when using herbicides on cover crops in corn and soybean.
Herbicide Use On Cover Crops if Grazing
Iowa State University article on the importance for livestock producers to consider restrictions on labels of herbicides used earlier in the growing season if they intend to use the cover crop as a forage source.
NRCS Soil Health Webpage
Information, studies, videos from the USDA on the benefits of soil health.
Investing in Soil Health Pays
Successful Farming article on Cover Crops.
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