Bear Valley Watershed District
Goodhue & Wabasha Counties
Click Map for impoundment locations and parcel info.
BVWD Board Members:
Paul Huneke: 651-923-4937 / 25409 Cnty 16 Blvd Goodhue, MN 55027
Warren Majerus: 651-923-4973 / 67351 Cnty Rd 1 Blvd Mazeppa, MN 55956
Neil Stehr: 507-753-2023 / 67662 386th Ave Lake City, MN 55041
Rules that are implemented by the BVWD Board Members and are rules extended throughout the watershed boundry of BVWD.
Plan used as a guidance document when moving forward with conservation efforts within Bear Valley.
BVWD Application for Construction Project:
Application if your construction plans involve tiling, installing culverts, removing impoundments, etc. Please submit application to any one of the BVWD Board Members.
Tour of the dams held in the 1960's.
Meeting Minutes